Why is it difficult to make money online in 2024?
The internet has evolved a lot and became a marketplace, full of opportunities for those who want to make money.
Yet, making money online is not as easy as it was before.I looked at some of the key factors and here I have broken those factors into 5 critical points.
#1 High expectations VS Reality.
watching a lot of success online stories on different platforms creates a perception in people’s mind that it is quick and easy to make money online, the illusion of overnight success, but the reality is really different.
The overnight success stories might be true but those are either exceptions or they are not showing you the real struggle behind their overnight success.
It can take months or years to make your first hundred dollars, when you start going through the trial and error methods, putting some efforts and at the end you don’t see any income even after a month.
#2 Limited skill set.
The platforms like Facebook , YouTube can provide you the knowledge through courses or podcasts the the practical knowledge is very important.
Today many people jump into freelancing , video editing, and other marketplaces without having a proper skill or knowledge.