Time flies and 2 months of 2023 already passed, wrong side of Evolution.

Your buddy shivam
3 min readFeb 26, 2023


I just wonder sometimes it was just yesterday when we celebrated the new year and someone just increased the speed to time to 10x and here we are after 60 days doing nothing still wondering, mostly procrastinating thinking what to do, so that we don’t have to worry for next year and we can achieve our goals.

Why do we worry a lot these days

believe it or not, we lack skills and we just worry we don’t do anything we just expect that someday this will happen and that will happen.

The fact is this new generation is smarter than we think a 3-year-old kid can open youtube search for his videos and do a lot more, so we need to learn a lot of skills on daily basis, then only we can expect to get a source of income and not to worry on what needs to be done in future.

Time is really flying.

Time is flying faster than we ever imagined it's like every 1 month a year is passing and we are getting 1-year advance in terms of technology new resources, and new discoveries.

A great person once said to change and evolve with time because if time will change you won’t like it.

Just look back 5 years and think what mobile phones were in those days, then look back 10 years and think what technology was at that time. Go and search about Quantum computers you will get to know where we are heading towards.

The real problem.

The greatest inventions are done by only 0.005 of the population in this world and only 10% of people know about all these things.

Because of two reasons, people don’t know about these things, those reasons are:

1: The real problem here is the lack of resources still there are a lot of countries where people are struggling to arrange food twice a day for their family, and a mobile phone is still a dream for many people in this world, yes still there are people who have never seen a computer, in their life.

2: The other side is completely different because those who have these resources are wasting them on social media and other sites people are wasting 7 to 8 hours a day, this is far more dangerous than nukes because it is playing with their brain cells

Just think about this A 10-year-old kid can see any woman naked and pornography. was it possible 20 years ago and now to search the amount of sperm count these days in different countries.

Always have an idea of what is going around you, and check the latest news, especially geopolitics, scientific discoveries, etc.


Human beings are made to evolve because we are the only species that are far more different from others, we are the most advanced we can do impossible things we can challenge nature, and we can change whatever we want however we want.

All we need to do is concentrate, help each other grow, learn from other species, make new inventions, and make this world a better place to live.

The key to doing all these things is concentration, learning new skills every day setting a new goal remove all the distractions from your life today, the best way to do this is to take a 21 days challenge because it has been proven that if you do anything for 21 days you can easily make it as your habit.

At the end of the day just think about why god has made you so advanced and why other species cannot do what you can.

Thank you,

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