Story of a criminal

A murderer

shiv writes
2 min readApr 5, 2023
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

In the darkness of the night,

He walks alone with all his might.

A shadow of his former self,

His heart consumed by guilt and wealth.

Once a boy so young and free,

Now a man with no reprieve.

For he took a life in rage,

And now must face the world’s disdain.

His path was once so bright and clear,

But now he walks with dread and fear.

The life he knew is now a blur,

His dreams and hopes all left to stir.

The pain he caused cannot be undone,

For he took a life without a gun.

And now he roams with heavy heart,

A murderer he is, his life apart.

But perhaps there’s hope for him yet,

A chance to make amends and set,

A new path for his life to start,

And find redemption in his heart.

His mind is haunted by the past,

And memories of the deed he cast.

The weight of guilt and sorrow crush,

His soul in turmoil, it’s all too much.

He knows that he can’t turn back time,

And undo the act that was his crime.

But in the depths of his despair,

He finds a glimmer of hope to repair.

He seeks forgiveness, and he prays,

For mercy and guidance through life’s maze.

He strives to find a way to give,

And help others so they too can live.

The boy who once became a murderer,

Is now on a path of self-redemption.

He knows his journey will be long,

But he’s determined to right his wrong.



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