Passive income doesn’t mean easy money.
the reality of side hustle, how to start, and what not to do.
What is Passive income?
Passive income is something that comes from less effort or no effort, or Passive income is income generated from someone who is not an employer or a contractor
eg- of passive income-
renting your apartment
mutual funds etc.
Why passive income?
These days passive income is trending people think passive income is the only thing that can save them from becoming poor and yes even I agree with this but not 100%.
In covid people lost their jobs most of us faced hard times it was difficult to arrange money for a lot of people because they were relying on a single income that was taken from them during covid but when covid came to an end those who survived got this new objective of a side hustle to generate passive income besides their job.
If you will search on YouTube or many other places on how to make passive income there you will see a lot of people teaching through their webinars, selling courses, and saying that they are helping others to start a passive income it can be print on demand or drop shipping, Amazon FBA, blogging, YouTube, etc but most of them are lying you need to understand the difference between fake and real.
Remember 95% of courses are fake and it’s their side hustle to sell courses, yes it is also a passive income, today we can see these 16 -17-year-olds teaching us how to make millions it’s all fraud and it’s all fake.
A side hustle is both easy and hard.
Making a side income is both easy and hard just make sure you are on the right path.
If you are not a writer and you don’t know how to write them don’t take content writing, and blogging as your side hustle.
A side hustle is easy
you don’t have to waste money on taking courses for learning you can simply search on google and YouTube and you will get plenty of free videos and techniques for starting a side hustle,
no need to spend 8 hours per day on a side hustle, a side hustle means where you put in low effort but regularly put in one to two hours and you will succeed.
A side hustle is hard.
A side hustle can be hard because it doesn’t promise to pay you and sometimes you cannot get results even after working for 1–2 months but the key is to be regular and don’t lose hope,
A side hustle will not make you a millionaire it only pays you a basic amount per month so that you can live with less burden, never ever rely fully on a side hustle you might get hurt.
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