Letter to future me.

Your buddy shivam
2 min readSep 3, 2024


Dear Future Me,

I hope this letter finds you thriving, stronger, and wiser than ever before. As I write this, I’m filled with a deep belief that you will be successful in the long run. This belief isn’t just a hopeful wish; it’s rooted in the knowledge of who you are, the resilience you’ve shown, and the dreams you continue to pursue.

Right now, life might be full of challenges, uncertainties, and moments where the path ahead seems unclear. But I know that these trials are shaping you, molding your character, and preparing you for the success that awaits. Every step you take, every obstacle you overcome, is a testament to your dedication and perseverance. You have always had the strength to rise above difficulties, and this strength will carry you through to the future you’ve envisioned.

Remember the dreams you hold close, the goals you’ve set for yourself, and the vision you have for your life. Those dreams are not just fleeting thoughts; they are the blueprint for your future. You have the talent, the intelligence, and the drive to achieve them. There will be times when the journey feels long, and success seems distant, but trust in the process and trust in yourself.

You have already accomplished so much, and this is just the beginning. Every small victory is a building block, bringing you closer to the bigger picture. The road to success is rarely a straight line, but I have no doubt that you will navigate it with grace and determination.

Keep believing in yourself, even when the world seems to doubt you. Keep pushing forward, even when the path gets tough. Your future self is a reflection of all the hard work, passion, and persistence you are putting in right now. And I know that when you look back, you’ll be proud of the journey you’ve taken and the person you’ve become.

So here’s to you, Future Me — successful, fulfilled, and living the life you’ve always dreamed of. I believe in you, and I know that you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Keep going, because the best is yet to come.

With unwavering belief,

Shiv 2024

