How to make money on medium in 2023, Why tips are important?

Your buddy shivam
3 min readFeb 25, 2023


Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

Why Tips when there is medium partners programme ?

I know a lot of you might be thinking about this question but the answer is simple partner’s programme is still not available in a lot of countries including India and the partner programme is why most of the people join.

so, it’s simple to join the partner's programme and start earning but it's not as easy as people think, the reason is persistence and 99% of people here are not regular on the medium they just hope someday their story will be viral they will earn thousands of dollar but still only 1% of medium writer earn more than 100$, its truth and fact both.

These websites like medium are designed in such a way that their algorithms are hard to crack and one can only crack it with persistence which means writing regularly.

How much have I earned till now?

The answer is 500$

Just joking i have not even made a 1$ till now but I am persistent & I am sure that someday people will find my article interesting and they will send me some tips or the partners program will accept me, India, and all the other countries.

I am here on this platform to just share my true and personal opinions so that I can touch people's hearts not their brains and tell them the reality and what to do.

Why I say a lot about persistence?

In the movie The Founder it is very well said

There is an excellent quote in the movie by Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States: “In this world, nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent won’t; today in this century nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t; you can find a lot of genius people around you, unrewarded genius is practically a cliché.

Do a commitment to yourself and take 21 days challenge do it regularly for 21 days and then you will automatically develop the habit.

How do I feel ?

I feel pretty bad some days but most of the time I am excited, every single day when I wake up I check my views and see it growing it gives me the motivation to write consistently, and I read all the comments that give me a good review of myself.

I know I am not so good at English but I am more motivated than most of the people here and I have my goals clear.

What is my request here?

In this platform try to give tips to people who write regularly those who inspire you, make you feel good and you read their articles on a regular basis, Even a dollar can help them because 1 dollar is very powerful in other countries like India which is equal to 82 rupees.

I just have simple request support, supporting each other makes you feel good and makes you feel proud, and it is the best feeling in this world.

At last thanks, a lot for reading and I request you to share your comment and give it a clap if you find it interesting and knowledge full.

You can even send me a donation if you like.

