Ghengis Khan

shiv writes
3 min readJan 30, 2023


Ghengis Khan, also known as Genghis Khan, was the founder and first Emperor of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He was born in the early 1160s in what is now modern-day Mongolia and rose to power as the leader of the Mongol tribes in the early 1200s.

Under Ghengis Khan’s leadership, the Mongol Empire expanded rapidly, conquering much of Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Western Asia. He was known for his military tactics, which emphasized speed, surprise, and mobility, and for his ability to unite the various Mongol tribes into a powerful force.

How cruel was he.

  1. Brutal Conquest: Ghengis Khan is often remembered for his brutal conquest of neighboring territories, which resulted in widespread death and destruction. During his military campaigns, he ordered the massacre of entire populations, razed cities to the ground, and pillaged valuable resources, leading to significant loss of life and widespread suffering.
  2. Reputation for cruelty: Ghengis Khan was known for his cruelty, which contributed to his reputation as a ruthless conqueror. He was said to have ordered the execution of thousands of prisoners of war, and was known for his harsh punishments for those who defied him. This reputation for cruelty helped to establish a legacy of fear that continued long after his death and contributed to his reputation as one of history’s most brutal conquerors.
  3. Massacres: Ghengis Khan was responsible for the massacre of countless civilians during his military campaigns, which resulted in significant loss of life and suffering. In many cases, entire populations were executed, and cities were razed to the ground, leaving few survivors.
  4. Religious Intolerance: Although Ghengis Khan was known for his religious tolerance to some extent, he was still responsible for the persecution of many religious minorities during his rule. He often targeted religious minorities and imposed his own beliefs on conquered territories, leading to widespread religious repression.
  5. Oppression of Dissent: Ghengis Khan was known for his intolerance of dissent, and he frequently punished those who opposed him, even executing political opponents and their families. This repression of dissent contributed to a culture of fear and limited freedom of speech and expression under his rule.
  6. Disregard for Human Life: Ghengis Khan is remembered for his disregard for human life, as he was willing to use violence and massacre entire populations to achieve his goals. This disregard for human life contributed to the widespread suffering and loss of life that characterized his rule.
  7. Systematic Torture: Ghengis Khan was known for using systematic torture to extract information and punish his enemies. He frequently used torture to extract confessions and information, and this practice contributed to a legacy of fear and repression under his rule.
  8. Forced Labor: Ghengis Khan’s empire relied heavily on forced labor, and many of his subjects were forced to work under brutal conditions. Forced labor was used to build infrastructure, extract resources, and support military campaigns, and it contributed to widespread suffering and exploitation.
  9. Environmental Destruction: Ghengis Khan’s military campaigns resulted in significant environmental destruction, as his armies burned and pillaged their way through conquered territories. This environmental destruction contributed to long-term ecological damage and had lasting impacts on the ecosystems of the territories he conquered.
  10. Legacy of Fear: Ghengis Khan’s legacy lived on long after his death, as his reputation for cruelty and violence continued to inspire fear in those who lived under Mongol rule. This legacy of fear contributed to a culture of repression and limited freedom of speech and expression under Mongol rule.



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