Member-only story
Credit cards is a Gun.
I know you must be thinking that what kind of a statement is that but when you read this article you will understand.
Always spent the amount of money that you can afford don’t put yourself in the condition that one day you have to ask for help.
Worst problem of my life when I came to USA was credit card.
When I started working and earning the amount of money that I never earned before, I thought I could buy expensive things to impress people, the Jordans, the expensive gadgets, the new iPhone, just to make myself happy and show off looking attractive and trying hard to impress people with their expensive things. My friends from India were thinking that I was making a lot of money, which was true, but the reality was something else.
The recoil of the gun.
Using credit card is like using a gun.
But what I got was $4k in debt. My credit limit of 2 credit cards was gone, and I was left with a bad credit score and dues. The hidden charges were hidden, and I never thought it would be so difficult to deal with them, but somehow I started reloading my credit the gun with minimum payment and I got the recoil of interest charged it was such a headache, but there was only one option which was left and that was, lower your expenses and plan your pay.
This is how my card looked like